[asterisk-dev] Asterisk 1.6 - Reading DTMF from AGI

Tilghman Lesher tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Wed Aug 13 09:07:18 CDT 2008

On Wednesday 13 August 2008 08:27:00 Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> Ralfe Poisson wrote:
> > I'm busy developing and AGI application which was working well under 1.4
> > . I've just upgraded to Asterisk 1.6 and am having two issues which I
> > can't seem to sort out.
> Your problems are caused by using vertical bar (pipe) characters as
> argument separators; Asterisk 1.6 supports *only* commas as argument
> separators to applications, unlike 1.2 and 1.4 which supported both.
> This is documented in the UPGRADE.txt file, and that file even tells you
> about a configuration option to provide backward compatibility if you
> need it. Please read the upgrade documentation when upgrading to new
> major releases of Asterisk :-)

With one caveat, to the OP:  did you upgrade a box, or is this a completely
new install?  If this is a new install, I'd understand, as the compatibility
options are designed to keep with 1.4 behavior only if you've upgraded (i.e.
the asterisk.conf is left over from 1.4).  For new installs, the default
asterisk.conf behavior is designed to get new users used to the
comma-separation of application delimiters, without any indication (other than
in UPGRADE.txt) that any other behavior existed.


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