[asterisk-dev] question about VoiceMail function

mark morreny markmorreny at gmail.com
Fri Apr 4 02:43:41 CDT 2008

Dear all,

I am not sure if this is the right place to ask this question but if this is
not, please give me and I won't do it again.

I have experienced a very strange behavior with VoicemailMain and I want to
know if it is a defeat or just a misconfiged setup.  The version of Asterisk
I am using is 1.4.18.

The problem is this:  After recording a greeting ( unavail, busy, or temp)
and pressed  "1" to confirm the greeting, I can see the  corresponding
unavail.wav,  busy.wav, or temp.wav created under the
<...>/default/<mailbox #> dir.  Then , it gets immediately deleted.  The
same problem  happens if I  place my own  unavil.wav, busy.wav or temp.wav
inside the  dir.  They get deleted  automatically.

I am wondering if Asterisk comes with any functionality to automatically
remove those files and I may accidentally misconfigured  my Asterisk.  Is
there anyway I can resolve this problem?

Thank you for your kind attention.

Best Regards,
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