[asterisk-dev] Zaptel in the Kernel tree

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
Tue Oct 2 04:11:15 CDT 2007

On Mon, Oct 01, 2007 at 11:07:04PM -0700, Bob wrote:
> I've been developing hardware and software for Asterisk for 2 years now and
> I've managed not to change anything from the standard release code. My code
> and hardware so far have been entirely in addition to all of the released
> code. I have a MWI neon bulb patch to zaptel that works with Rhino channel
> banks that is being used in hotels around the globe but it never has reached
> the zaptel trunk code.
> Somehow, when the kernel API changes and it affects my zaptel drivers, you
> guys get that memo, and I don't.

How do you expect to be notified?

This issue has been discussed in this very list. Later on we filed a bug
report with the suggested patches. Maybe you follow bugs. Another option
is to follow the commits list.

And then again, you will read about this in the changelog of Zaptel when
the next version will be released.

I find it unfortunate that you have not participated in the discussion
earlier. I'm sure extra eyes on the suggested changes would have helped
to make them better.

What do you think about the approach taken there (an extra ioctl)?
Can you point out specific issues you have with it?

> I could check my drivers into the zaptel tree as Tzafrir did, but I would in
> no way be able to devote the kind of time that he does to the project. Even
> after 2 years of development, I don't have the community skills to attempt
> to modify the project.

/me thanks employer :-)

The least you could do let us know of your efforts. If you have a patch
that works for you, file a "[patch]" feature request bug report and give
others the chance to test it. I was simply unaware of your patch.


> I exchanged a few emails with the kernel guys. They took my drivers, and
> zaptel as a dependency and incorporated them both into the 2.6.21 kernel
> tree. I never gave them the go-ahead with the patch. I tested my stuff, but
> there was no way that I could put a dent in any comprehensive zaptel
> testing.

Which kernel developers exactly?

Zaptel is currently not in the mainline kernel. I am not sure about any
future plans for its inclusion there.

               Tzafrir Cohen       
icq#16849755              jabber:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
+972-50-7952406           mailto:tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com       
http://www.xorcom.com  iax:guest at local.xorcom.com/tzafrir

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