[asterisk-dev] Meetme record-name enhancement

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Thu May 31 09:09:04 MST 2007

Leif Madsen wrote:

> The first thought I had about this (which is an additional enhancement, and is 
> entirely possible that it could already be created from existing the existing 
> feature set, but I have no looked into it), was to also have an option that 
> says, "Only announce the callers name for the first X number of 
> seconds/minutes of the conference", which would essentially be the initial 
> join/setup time.

Then the 'right' way to implement this would be to add a dialplan 
function that allows the dialplan to query the conference for details 
about its life, including how long it has been in existence. The 
dialplan logic can then make the decision about whether to do the 
record/announce step or not. The logic can then include other factors 
(like maybe they want to always announce callers from outside the PBX, 
or something odd like that).

Remember, we want to implement mechanisms for people to use, but not the 
policies they apply to them :-)

Kevin P. Fleming
Director of Software Technologies
Digium, Inc. - "The Genuine Asterisk Experience" (TM)

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