[asterisk-dev] possible lack of CDR data recorded after an attended transfer (atxfer)

Caio Begotti caio at ueberalles.net
Wed May 16 13:17:57 MST 2007

Hello again, I couldn't find any good information about this  
situation on Google nor in Asterisk's bug tracker so I'm here. Maybe  
it's an already known problem or someone could please explain why it  

In a ordinary call from exten A to B all my CDR data are recorded  
just fine in my database (PostgreSQL via ODBC). If I make a call from  
A to B and say I try a blind transfer (blindxfer) to C the CDR data  
still seems correct to me. However, if I make a call from A to B then  
try a attended transfer (atxfer) to C so that A and C can talk, then  
my CDR data gets recorded with some empty values (clid and src for  

I don't know why and how it happens, but the last part of the call  
ends with a ZOMBIE channel (when B hangs to let A talk to C and C  
hangs too after a given time). Maybe it's related to this lack of  
info in my CDR? I don't know, I'm still trying to understand if there  
is something wrong in here so I can file a bug (IF it is a real bug  
in branches/1.4).

== Spawn extension (macro-dial, s, 17) exited non-zero on 'Transfered/ 
Extension 1111 above is the one that initiated the call, so it's A.

My CDR select is that: <http://pastebin.ca/491655>

There are 3 calls in there (all of them had an atxfer), each one  
starting with a empty src and clid and always ending to a "s" dst  
although the dstchannel is different and contains the real  
destination. My userfields are custom, they doesn't mean anything.

Is this CDR behavior normal for attended transfer?

Caio Begotti


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