[asterisk-dev] Abnormal behaviour in CDR ?

Franco Salvador f.salvador at telegamma.it
Wed Aug 29 08:48:58 CDT 2007

Jared Smith wrote:
> On Wed, 2007-08-29 at 11:15 +0200, Franco Salvador wrote:
>> When A calls B cdr.start, cdr.answer and cdr.end time are reported 
>> correctly, whilst  when A calls an external number B through FXO line 
>> the cdr.answer time is not when the remote peer actually answer the call 
>> but is the time when the FXO line start a call to the remote peer.
> This is due to the way that analog signaling works... the fxo port has
> no way of telling when the remote party actually answered the call.  If
> you were to call out over a PRI line instead, you'd see that your CDR
> records would show when the call was actually answered by the remote
> party, as PRI lines give Asterisk that information.
You are right ... thanks a lot.

Ing. Franco Salvador
Design Engineer

Telegamma S.r.l.
R&D TLC Division                     phone: +39 0422 297 573
Via Noalese 63/b                     fax  : +39 0422 297 579
31100 Treviso                        http://www.telegamma.com
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