[asterisk-dev] Support for TCP in asterisk

Johansson Olle E olle at voop.com
Wed Nov 22 01:00:33 MST 2006

22 nov 2006 kl. 06.45 skrev Satya Kishore:

> Iam eager to know is anyone is trying to implement TCP support in  
> sip for asterisk system?
There is a patch in the bug tracker that adds TCP and TLS. It's  
experimental and works,
but have some big challenges in regards to the handling of the  
transport, since chan_sip is
built for UDP and a large part of the code assumes UDP.

In codename pineapple, my rewrite of chan_sip, we will have a more  
decent transaction
engine that will be able to act differently depending on the  
underlying transport, so we can
implement a proper TCP implementation.


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