[asterisk-dev] RFC: internal CLI changes
Tilghman Lesher
tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com
Mon Nov 20 10:04:18 MST 2006
On Sunday 19 November 2006 19:24, Oriz L. Miller wrote:
> I am not exactly why this discussion is heading in the direction that
> it is...... no one is asking for *newbies* or "original "(devs)" or
> "(power users)" to change thier thinking or usage. The example below
> show should clarify:
> Currently ( you would type either "extensions reload" OR
> "ext [tab] rel [return]"
> and (1.4.b3) you would type with either "dialplan reload" OR "di
> [tab] rel [return]"
> What is being asking for, is that these continue to work, with the
> addition of the following:
> (1.4 {and forward}) you would be able to use the above AND/OR be able
> to use "di rel [return]"
Well, for one, this is well past the time when new features are being
considered for 1.4, and two, this is a proposal without any prospective
code backing it up. We are not going to make any final decisions on
this until we see a patch.
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