[asterisk-dev] Conference Call Re-scheduled

Julian Lyndon-Smith asterisk at dotr.com
Sat May 27 23:59:11 MST 2006

We use mantis at work and have added a couple of custom fields to the 
tracker (using the custom fields option).

One of these is to notify training that there has been a functionality 
or UI changes that needs rollout. The trainers simply filter all issues 
with this flag set.


Peter Beckman wrote:
> Any possibility to:
>     * Add a short discussion on how to identify a commit as an end-user
>       need-to-document change?  I've gone through more svn-commit messages
>       than I can remember looking for changes that change end-user
>       functionality; any possibility of a character string (ie *** or *&*)
>       to identify a commit which adds, modifies, or removes a feature
>       available in /trunk or in /tags/1.4 to the end Asterisk admin?
>       Changes mentioning doxygen or including "\n" seem to make up a bulk
>       of the svn-commits I've saved for updating the docs once the project
>       is up-to-date, but it'd be great to have a better communication
>       system between developers and documentors.
>     * Discuss where to publish the docs, once up-to-date;
>       asteriskdocs.org?  asterisk.org?  digium.com?  The latest up-to-date
>       docs are here: http://mph.gotdns.com:82/manual/en/
> What's the date planned for the 1.4 release?  I'm hoping to get the docs
> up-to-date and ready to publish a beta version of the webdocs by that date,
> though that depends on when the date is!
> I'd be happy to be on the call as well, or just be a silent party, if
> developers would find that useful.  Or just to harass me. :-)
> Beckman
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
> beckman at purplecow.com                             http://www.purplecow.com/
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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