[asterisk-dev] Variable Inheritance, Setting Channel Variables
outside of current context
Peter Beckman
beckman at purplecow.com
Wed May 17 13:58:14 MST 2006
On Wed, 17 May 2006, Kevin P. Fleming wrote:
> Peter Beckman wrote:
>> Is that accurate? If not, please let me know so I can document it.
> I already answered your question on asterisk-users.
You did; I felt they were two different questions -- -users to ask if it
could be done and how to do it, and -dev to ask how to document it, and
potentially determine if it should be a requested feature or not.
> Please stop using the term 'context' for this, it will only cause
> confusion.
I used context to describe my location in a dialplan. As I understand it,
a channel can be active in several contexts. When discussing variable
inheritance between channels, shouldn't I mention in what context I'm
setting and accessing those variables?
exten... Dial(...||M(bar))
Isn't "foo" considered a 'context'?
In this situation, the 'parent context' would be 'foo', and the 'child
context' would be 'macro-bar' or just 'bar' for variable inheritance
discussions? Channel variables set in foo such as _FOO and __FOO would be
inherited by the macro called by the Dial() in 'foo' context, right?
> Macros can return values back to their callers via MACRO_RESULT, but the
> rest of what you said appears to be true and expected behavior.
It seems that the only way to communicate between channels is via Global
variables. In order to prevent overwriting them while multiple calls are
in progress, a unique name for the Global variable is required.
Once a Global variable is set, how do you "unset" that Global variable, in
order to avoid overwriting and variable messyness?
I'll put the inter-channel communication into Mantis as a feature request.
Peter Beckman Internet Guy
beckman at purplecow.com http://www.purplecow.com/
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