[asterisk-dev] More Documentation Questions

Peter Beckman beckman at purplecow.com
Thu May 4 09:08:44 MST 2006

On Thu, 4 May 2006, Peter Beckman wrote:

> 1. Should I be putting these types of things into Mantis or post them to
>   this list?
> 2. SendURL: Most "options" are a single letter, yet with SendURL the only
>   option is "wait" -- should this be changed to "w" to be more consistent?
>   "wait" could be supported but deprecated.
> 3. SendURL: This note:
>    Old behaviour (deprecated): If the client does not support Asterisk
>    "html" transport, and there exists a step with priority n + 101, then
>    execution will continue at that step.  Otherwise, execution will
>    continue at the next priority level.  SendURL only returns 0 if the URL
>    was sent correctly  or if the channel does not support HTML transport,
>    and -1 otherwise.
>   I assume that this means that SendURL WILL jump to n + 101 on FAILURE,
>   but this will not continue to be supported at some point in the future.
>   Should a 'j' option be added to support this deprecated behavior?
> 4. SendImage: Uses "NOSUPPORT" if Image support is not there, and "OK" if
>   successful, while SendText and SendURL use "UNSUPPORTED" and "SUCCESS"
>   and "FAILURE" -- should that be standardized?

  5. System and TrySystem -- they both seem to do the exact same thing,
     except that TrySystem will return a 3rd status, APPERROR if the command
     succeeded but there was an error (I assume not an Exit 0?), and will
     jump to n + 101 upon error.

     Will TrySystem jump to n + 101 on FAILURE only, or both FAILURE and

     Should TrySystem have a note about "priorityjumping=yes" in "[global]"
     so people know how to use the jumping feature?  Should TrySystem be
     deprecated, and System add an "options" for "j" and the other status
     return val?

Peter Beckman                                                  Internet Guy
beckman at purplecow.com                             http://www.purplecow.com/

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