[asterisk-dev] Re: Does anybody know how to do aproducer/consumer based buffered writer in C?

Asterisk asterisk at abraxas.si
Tue Jul 25 09:45:45 MST 2006

Where in he trunk is the example dialplan...I can't find it. Or is not
committed yet to the trunk?

-----Original Message-----
From: asterisk-dev-bounces at lists.digium.com
[mailto:asterisk-dev-bounces at lists.digium.com] On Behalf Of Kevin P.
Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:58 PM
To: Asterisk Developers Mailing List
Subject: Re: [asterisk-dev] Re: Does anybody know how to do
aproducer/consumer based buffered writer in C?

----- Matt King <m at orderlysoftware.com> wrote:
(oh how i love waking up in the morning to list of demands <G>)

> I'd love to see an example dialplan that gives agent log in and log
> out (and also agent membership of multiple queues from hotdesk
> extensions) using dynamic queue members as soon as possible - please
> could your support department email me an example, as we are also a
> Digium customer!

The support department has known how to do this for quite some time, so
you can ask them any time you like. The example dialplan will be
committed to the SVN trunk in the next few days.

> Any chance of a back port of this?  I ask because the manager.c (not
> chan_agent.c) deadlock keeps taking down one of my customers' call
> centres, and 1.4 is not yet stable enough for use in their production
> environment.  It would also help to know 1.4 is due for release...

There is always a chance of a backport, but the Digium development team
will not do it for the open source version of Asterisk, and it would
never be merged into 1.2.

Asterisk 1.4 will be released when it is ready, like all open source
projects. It was 'due for release' a month ago, but it is not ready.
Asking when it is 'due for release' will only serve to annoy the people
trying to get it ready to be released :-)

Kevin P. Fleming
Senior Software Engineer
Digium, Inc.

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