[Asterisk-Dev] Re: Voicemail to email volume change patch

Steven Critchfield critch at basesys.com
Fri Jan 13 14:52:19 MST 2006

On Fri, 2006-01-13 at 15:03 -0600, Robert A. Thompson wrote:
> would you want the patch against trunk or 1.2.1?  I wrote it against 1.2.1
> but just svn co trunk and massaged it against that tree also.  Is there
> any particular coding standard and/or etc that is prefered and if so, I
> will clean the patch up to make less work on someone else.  I'm getting
> the mantis account setup so I can cross post there also.  Forgive my
> ignorance on using mantis though...  

I found this URL while looking for the disclaimers to help you out on
the paragraph below.


> Which disclaimer would I need to sign?  It appears there are two
> disclaimers (one requiring me to send $1.00).  I frankly don't care on the
> code what happens to it.  I just felt others may find it useful.  I know
> it could use some work but just through it together in a few minutes and
> then another five minutes of debugging we had it running in production. 

You do not send $1.00, it is actually supposed to be payed to you(I
believe). It was explained to me at one time that the contract that you
are signing doesn't have as much standing if there wasn't some form of
valuable item exchanged. The $1.00 is the valuable item that helps the
legal system determin that this is a valid and enforceable contract. The
$1.00 also does not really make or break Digium or you.

The other disclaimer essentially puts your work in the public domain.
With your contribution in the public domain, it can be used however
anyone wants without concern for how you feel about it.
Steven Critchfield <critch at basesys.com>

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