[Asterisk-Dev] Agents, members - who's taking the call in the queue?

Olle E Johansson oej at edvina.net
Thu Jan 5 11:43:09 MST 2006

Corydon and I have been discussing terminology in the bug tracker.

Up until recently, we've been teaching this in the trainings:

* A queue (started by app queue() ) consists of MEMBERS
* A member can be either a device (tech/name) or an agent

Normally, when people talk about a sales queue, it's "agents" answering. 
A queue consists of agents.

There's a new function that breaks the terminology and use the word 
"agent" as "all members of a queue". This is no good, for documentation 
or for teaching. We need to be strict.

I can agree that "agents" are a better word for "everyone that answers a 
queue" but how do we then separate agents from "someone with an account 
that logs in to the agent channel"?

Either way, we need to clean up. Either rename the function and stick 
with the old style or rename chan_agent and agents.conf and update the 
docs and teaching material.

What do you think?


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