[asterisk-dev] forking calls from friends

Bromont - Bromont at shaw.ca
Mon Aug 28 06:56:28 MST 2006

Hello all...

  I had been looking for a way to isolate calls from my daughter's friends. I wanted something similar in function to lookupblacklist, where I can lookup the number in the database and send those calls to my daughter's extension and voicemail. I decided to copy app_lookupblacklist.c as app_lookupfriendlist.c and changed the "blacklist" variables to "friendlist" variables. After a compile and some additions to the friendlist database key, everything works just like lookupblacklist. I'm just curious if there's a simpler way of doing this, or if app_lookupfriendlist would possibly be a welcome addition to the program distribution.... Thanks...

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