[asterisk-dev] Corydon76 Issue Deleted: 0006925, 04-28-06 17:49 Corydon76 Issue Deleted: 0006920

Denis Smirnov ds at seiros.ru
Sun Apr 30 11:28:49 MST 2006

On Sun, Apr 30, 2006 at 12:48:54PM -0500, Kevin P. Fleming wrote:

KPF> Start being active on the bug tracker helping out with other people's
KPF> bugs, testing, reviewing code and adding documentation where
KPF> appropriate. Get your code into shape to be merged (in spite of the
KPF> delays that are out your control). Demonstrate that you understand how
KPF> the Asterisk code base is to be managed and what types of code is
KPF> acceptable and what is not. Communicate with the rest of the development
KPF> community by asking intelligent questions and answering them where you can.

KPF> When you do all these things, you become a valuable member of the
KPF> development community and we give you a place to do your work on our
KPF> servers. Setting up your own distribution is not hard to do, but using
KPF> our resources implies that the work you are doing there is closely
KPF> associated with the main Asterisk project, and we don't just give that
KPF> out because people ask for it.

I'm not understand before why you don't want to give this resources. Now I
understand. Thanks.

>> It's would not treated as architecture changes?
KPF> Yes, and it was submitted long before the architectural freeze went into
KPF> effect. We've already covered this a few times on this list.

>> I think that asterisk project can get good ideas from OpenPBX.
KPF> None of which we can use, unless the authors/copyright holders of those
KPF> ideas/code submit them for our consideration.

Some of ideas can't be copyrighted (like system call to enable coredump
when starting with unpriviledged user, that was added some months ago).

Moving most asterisk-related functions to libasterisk also not copyrighted
idea (that I has long before it was done in OpenPBX). But this work is
hard, needs careful testing. I start it, but would not continue before
succeful discussion here about this.

I think that moving most of code from core asterisk binary to library
would be "The Right Thing". I can do this work. Would it be accepted if

JID: ds at im.seiros.ru
ICQ: 58417635 (please, use jabber, if you can)


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