[Asterisk-Dev] Open source time card application for Asterisk

Chuck Bunn chuck.bunn at networkdoc.com
Fri Sep 23 09:32:55 MST 2005

Gilmore, Gerry wrote:

> Chuck,
> Actually, Caller ID cannot - so far as I know - "easily be spoofed". 
> While you can usually disable sending "caller ID" by the *6x method, 
> be aware that if you call an 800 number, that 800 number **will** get 
> the calling party number. It's needed for billing the 800# recipient.
> With PRI, if you have it correctly provisioned by the carrier and they 
> support it, etc., you can legitimately spoof a caller name and number, 
> but I doubt a nurse or janitor would maintain a PRI line to do this. J
> Gerry
> There are 10 kinds of people in the world, those who understand binary 
> and those who don't.
> Gerry Gilmore
> Field Applications Engineer
> Intel Corporation
> (http://www.intel.com)
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------


Thats a really good point. I forgot about the 800 number, the question 
is if an 800 or 888 number is tied to a local number does the caller ID 
information get passed onto the customer even if  caller ID has been 
disabled on the senders end. In other words you are right that the telco 
has to have the number for billing but would they pass that onto after 
capturing that data for their billing. I am not familiar enough to know 
how this would be handled so if anyone knows for sure I would appreciate 
a response.

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