[Asterisk-Dev] Questions

Kevin P. Fleming kpfleming at digium.com
Wed Sep 21 18:20:03 MST 2005

Michael Giagnocavo wrote:
> Assuming the person who wants to run the Intel Dialogic card also wants to
> run ABE :\ -- although I'm guessing that they'll eventually release a
> commercial driver that works with 1.2 / CVS (ala g729)... no?

See my other response... there is no such possibility. We are able to 
make a binary-only G.729 implementation available for use with GPL 
Asterisk because we can make license exceptions for that purpose. We 
cannot make a license exception for the Intel/Dialogic libraries, since 
they are not our property to license.

Intel could make such a driver available if they chose to re-license the 
API libraries in a GPL-compatible fashion.

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