[Asterisk-Dev] asterisk 'stable'?

Nathan C. Smith smith at ipmvs.com
Wed Sep 14 12:49:30 MST 2005

It's a poor word choice for this application because it means both:

Etymology: Middle English, from Middle French estable, from Latin stabilis,
from stare to stand
1 a : firmly established : FIXED, STEADFAST b : not changing or fluctuating
2 a : steady in purpose : firm in resolution b : not subject to insecurity
or emotional illness : SANE, RATIONAL <a stable personality>
3 a (1) : placed so as to resist forces tending to cause motion or change of
motion (2) : designed so as to develop forces that restore the original
condition when disturbed from a condition of equilibrium or steady motion b
(1) : not readily altering in chemical makeup or physical state <stable
emulsions> (2) : not spontaneously radioactive

-----Original Message-----
From: Steven Critchfield [mailto:critch at basesys.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 2:44 PM
To: Asterisk Developers Mailing List
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Dev] asterisk 'stable'?

On Wed, 2005-09-14 at 14:32 -0500, Nathan C. Smith wrote:
> It's just named wrong, it should be Asterisk 'snapshot'.  "better the 
> devil you know".

It isn't named wrong, you are using the incorrect definition. Consider it a
failure of the english language to have multiple semi conflicting
definitions for the same word.

Stable here is as it is in the Debian world, little change. Consider that
nitroglycerin is stable chemical as long as it isn't subjected to any
jostling. But jostle it wrongly and it will blow up.

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