[Asterisk-Dev] Converting the Asterisk code to autoconf

Hans Fugal fugalh at gmail.com
Wed Oct 26 15:25:24 MST 2005

On 10/26/05, Tilghman Lesher <tilghman at mail.jeffandtilghman.com> wrote:

> Basically, we've been burned before, and we're reasonably cautious about
> being burned again.  If the programmer you're hiring to do this is
> willing to stay around for 3-5 years, to support it, that might become
> an option again, but we haven't seen that type of commitment from
> anybody who wants autoconf/automake.

The proof is in the pudding, as they say. But there are enough people
out there with maintenance-level knowledge of autoconf/automake that I
don't think maintainability is a big concern. I once knew how to set
up a project for autoconf/automake, but that has long ago swapped out
of my head. However I still frequently make minor tweaks to things
with no difficulty whatsoever. Once it is set up, autoconf/automake is
not high-maintenance.

I for one would like to see autoconf/automake or something like it.
Actually what _I_ would like to see is an easy way to install in
/usr/local because as a sysadmin that is one of my pet peeves.

Hans Fugal
Fugal Computing

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