[Asterisk-Dev] Private/Anonymous/Restricted not being passedbyAsterisk

Sherwood McGowan madprofzero at yahoo.com
Thu Oct 20 18:27:05 MST 2005

Hey all, 
I've a rather annoying problem that I posted to the -users list, but no-one
seems able to answer the question. Furthermore, since this is apparently
part of a new featureset, I've been unable to find documentation on it. I
think it _MAY_ be a bug, but I'm not sure, so please forgive me if it's a
stupid question to be asking the -dev list...

I have my asterisk system using SetCallerPres(prohibited_pass_screen) when a
customer requests an anonymous call. I have trustrpid set to yes, and
sendrpid set to yes as well. However, when I do a tethereal dump of port
5060 I see the invite going into my asterisk server as anonymous for the SIP
Display, but then asterisk sends the invite to my SIP<->PSTN provider with
the SIP Display set to the user's callerid info....

I'm running a two day old CVS-HEAD, and this is ALL in the SIP protocol. 
Am I missing something here?

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