[Asterisk-Dev] Busy Here Vs Service Unavailable

Dov Bigio dovb at terra.com.br
Fri Oct 7 14:30:24 MST 2005


I am using EyeBeam with Asterisk and everytime I dial a busy number, it returns error code 503.
According to EyeBeam's support:

eyeBeam 1.1 3010n stamp 19039 plays an American busy tone when it receives a "Busy" back from the network. It play a voice saying "*beep beep beep (rising tones)* The person you are calling is unavailable, please try again" ... repeating when the network sends a Congestion signal. There is no way in eyeBeam that I know of to change this message. 

Where SIP Congested = Error code: 503 "Service Unavailable" 
and SIP Busy = Error code: 486 "Busy Here" 

So in other words your network needs to send a SIP 486 message back to eyeBeam to hear a busy tone. 

Is there a reason for Asterisk to return 503 instead of 486?

Thank you
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