[Asterisk-Dev] Dialplan syntax changes.. Option: work on aradically different design..

Michael Giagnocavo mgg-digium at atrevido.net
Wed May 18 12:50:07 MST 2005

>> To misquote a popular movie, "Show Me The Code!".
>Obviously. However, whoever is going to be implementing new (C-ish or 
>perl-ish or whatever-ish) dialplan should think about bigger picture and 
>consider against reinventing the wheel.
>And, obviously, we'll need perl (or whatever-the-new-language-is) 
>implementation of old dialplan syntax, so nobody gets left in the cold.

Why would you need a new implementation of old syntax? Just keep the old
dialplan logic in tact, and enable it via an option in the asterisk.conf. Or
have the new dialplan file be called "dialplan.js" or similar... unless I'm
missing something critical?


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