[Asterisk-Dev] chan_sip: "Why are we here with this packet????"

Vahan Yerkanian vahan at arminco.com
Tue Jul 12 05:02:27 MST 2005

Since cvsing HEAD today, and recompiling asterisk I'm receiving this 
strange message with 'set debug 1024' on CLI... closer look at chan_sip 
reveals some kind of an exception '} else {' clause...

     -- Executing Queue("SIP/sip.xyzabcd.com-08a0d000", 
"Accounting||||60") in new stack
     -- Started music on hold, class 'default', on 
     -- Called SIP/10030
     -- Called SIP/10029
     -- Called SIP/10018
Jul 12 16:58:50 NOTICE[59820]: res_musiconhold.c:200 ast_moh_files_next: 
SIP/sip.xyzabcd.com-08a0d000 Opened file 8 
Jul 12 16:58:50 WARNING[59820]: interface.c:215 decodeMP3: Junk at the 
beginning of frame 49443302
     -- SIP/10030-f705 is ringing
     -- SIP/10029-2443 is ringing
     -- SIP/10018-43dd is ringing
     -- SIP/10029-2443 answered SIP/sip.xyzabcd.com-08a0d000
     -- Stopped music on hold on SIP/sip.xyzabcd.com-08a0d000
!!!!!!!---------------************* Why are we here with this packet???? BYE


Executing Dial("SIP/sip.xyzabcd.com-086f9000", "SIP/10011|20|t") in new 
     -- Called 10011
     -- SIP/10011-677b is ringing
     -- SIP/10011-677b answered SIP/sip.xyzabcd.com-086f9000
!!!!!!!---------------************* Why are we here with this packet???? BYE

Any ideas?

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