[Asterisk-Dev] gnu-tls
Derek Smithies
derek at indranet.co.nz
Thu Jul 7 15:21:59 MST 2005
On Thu, 7 Jul 2005, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> Please. That's GPL vs. LGPL. But a direct answer to those arguments
> (for gnu-tls's specific case) could be found in gnu-tls's README, under
> >
> > As for license issues, there have been many discussed over the years in
> > various projects. They mostly revolve around para 6 of the LGPL.
> >
> > As a simple example, para 6 clause b) requires that any derived work
> > that uses the library that is not itself GPL-compatible must use a
> > "shared library mechanism" in order to use the code.
> >
> > While this is fine for a fully open source project, what about if
> > someone wants to create a commercial version of Asterisk (using an
> > appropriate license from Digium) on a platform that does not have shared
> > libraries? Tough luck - you can't do it.
> I'm not sure everybody agree with you here:
> http://uclibc.org/FAQ.html#licensing
More evidence of the statement I made in a previous email.
Even us computer experts disagree on the correct interpretation of the
LGPL. What will the courts decide ?
> It is one of the reasons why Asterisk has to use a modified GPL license.
> openh323's MPL is a larger source of pains, and the patents of g729 are
> even more so. But my default Asterisk package now does not link with
> openH323 (building so much faster!) and I certainly need no patented
> stuff, so openssl is what prevents me from distributing plain GPL
> Asterisk.
In fact, with the release of chan_woomera, the license of openh323 ceases
to be an issue. With chan_woomera, there is no linking of the openh323
code with asterisk. Instead, all data passes over sockets to connect the
woomera and asterisk process.
Further, this will compile real fast - the woomerea/openh323
combination is compiled just once, and runs as a separate h323 daemon.
Derek Smithies Ph.D.
IndraNet Technologies Ltd.
Email: derek at indranet.co.nz
ph +64 3 365 6485
Web: http://www.indranet-technologies.com/
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