[Asterisk-Dev] Re: Wildcard TDM400P dies every few weeks...cause?

Peter Nixon listuser at peternixon.net
Tue Jan 4 00:15:09 MST 2005

On Tuesday 04 January 2005 04:49, Paul Winkeler wrote:
> On Tue, 2004-12-21 at 21:30, Jon Radon wrote:
> > Have you guys tried unloading the modules and reloading them (modprobe
> > -r)?  This usually fixes any problems with my X100p's ..  Might save
> > you a reboot.
> The same works for me, i.e. an unload/load sequence clears the problem
> out.  So now we have:
> - some people experience this problem but not everybody
> - driver unload/load fixes the problem
> That is still not enough to point the finger at either the hardware or
> the software, does it?
> Is anyone familiar enough with the TDM400 driver sources to know if
> there is some debugging that could be stuck in there to help us flush
> this problem out?

This is interesting. We have a different problem with these cards. We have 3 
different machines with 3 different motherboards each with 3x TDM400 cards in 
them. Upon reboot only the first card ever works. A physical machine halt, 
and the powerup is required to make these cards work again.

It seems that the driver is a bit careless in the way it initialises the 



Peter Nixon
PGP Key: http://www.peternixon.net/public.asc

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