[Asterisk-Dev] dev conf topic: better CDRs
Tom Dickenson
voip at digitaldatabits.net
Fri Feb 25 14:30:17 MST 2005
Segregate the database each week or month to reduce the call logging?
----- Original Message -----
From: "James Middleton" <james.middleton at comcast.net>
To: "'Asterisk Developers Mailing List'" <asterisk-dev at lists.digium.com>
Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 7:18 AM
Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Dev] dev conf topic: better CDRs
> Records of 'Communications' are specifically included in section 802-1 of
> CFR part 210. What is of note is that the requirement for retention of
> records is moving from 5 to 7 years. (see link below)
> CDR would fall under this ruling (IMHO). The law is so vague that
> could mean almost anything concerning phone conversations. Some
> interpretations would require voice recording of all conversations while
> others say that simply documenting that the conversation occured is
> sufficient for compliance. Does conferencing another extensionn count?
> If you had 7 years of CDR data on the * server, what impact would a query
> looking for all instances of extension 'A' talking to callers from DID
> 'B' have on the system? Let's say in this case, the system is installed in
> large financial institution with 10,000 BHCC and average total daily
> of 60,000 calls. Assuming no weekends and a few holidays let's call the
> annual work days at 250 which means 15 million calls/year or 105 million
> calls over a 7 year period. Now let's add each and every call event
> including trunk active, reciept of caller ID, phone ringing, phone
> caller placed on hold, etc.... I'll assume that the average call only has
> associated events (very conservative). This would mean at the end of 7
> you would have 1.05 billion data events to look through.
> ap_id=SEC8&message_id=154
> -----Original Message-----
> From: asterisk-dev-bounces at lists.digium.com
> [mailto:asterisk-dev-bounces at lists.digium.com]On Behalf Of C. Maj
> Sent: Friday, February 25, 2005 8:07 AM
> To: Asterisk Developers Mailing List
> Subject: RE: [Asterisk-Dev] dev conf topic: better CDRs
> On Fri, 25 Feb 2005, James Middleton waxed:
> 8<'s
> > Let's say I do want to push the CDR data off to another server (I
> certainly
> > don't want to do data mining on my live PBX across 5 years of data -
> > forget Sarbanes-Oxley). If the link drops (ie second server with CDR
> This is totally off topic, but I didn't realize the Enron
> Act required tracking phone records ? What sort of detail
> is required ? Do you have a good link or anything I could
> read about this ?
> Thanks,
> --Chris
> --
> Chris Maj, Rochester
> cmaj_at_freedomcorpse_dot_com
> Pronunciation Guide: Maj == May
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