[Asterisk-Dev] Asterisk Manager encryption

Tzafrir Cohen tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com
Mon Dec 12 01:57:29 MST 2005

On Sun, Dec 11, 2005 at 11:12:45PM -0800, John Todd wrote:
> [Hopefully I'm not duplicating effort, but I'm sure others have come 
> up with these ideas already.  Apologies if this is a rehash of some 
> conversation already under way, but I haven't yet heard about it. 
> Searching through code did not reveal any hidden encryption tools in 
> manager.c, but I could just be overlooking them.]
> I have several Asterisk servers on the Wild Internet that I'd like to 
> be able to reach without "tunneling" the connections via SSH.  I'd 
> love for the Flash Operator Panel, Asterisk Manager Proxy, and 
> anything else that talks to Asterisk's Manager API to be able to do 
> so without relying on ssh port forwarding to ensure a secure 
> connection.

There is another simple method of tunneling that port on an encrypted
connection without adding that complexity inside asterisk can be done
using stunnel which generates an SSL/TLS tunnel for a specific TCP port.
Has been used successfully as a cheap method of adding "SSL support" for
many services.

Note that a simple way to connect to that from the command-line would be

  openssl s_client -connect hostname:port

Which should be your basic netcat for TSL-encrypted connections.

No need to change clients much.

Tzafrir Cohen     icq#16849755  +972-50-7952406
tzafrir.cohen at xorcom.com  http://www.xorcom.com

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