[Asterisk-Dev] Re: PostgreSQL support in Asterisk 1.2?

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com
Tue Aug 9 11:31:01 MST 2005

On Tuesday 09 August 2005 14:14, Daniel Pocock wrote:
> People can go out and buy a car and if they don't use it properly they
> get themselves in a lot of trouble.  It's not practical to make a
> perfect, idiot proof car (not that I would want to drive one anyway),
> why should we expect open source databases to be perfect and suitable
> for all usage scenarios?

I'm sorry but the kinds of problems we've been harping on have nothing to do 
with the type of scenario you've come up with to try and excuse its operation 

That's like saying "car brand X's transmission drops out if you shift into 
neutral while driving, you're an idiot if you don't know this."  The MySQL 
gotchas certainly can be worked around for the most part but that doesn't 
make it a decent open source RDBMS, nor is it okay to say "it's an 
ACID-compliant open source RDBMS, but only if you ignore the A, C and I 


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