[Asterisk-Dev] Hardware details for the Digium TDM400P

Steven Critchfield critch at basesys.com
Sat Sep 18 11:33:02 MST 2004

On Sat, 2004-09-18 at 07:33, list at asd-group.com wrote:
> I forgot to say - in the opinion of this community, how does the TDM400P
> (with its FXS and FXO modules) stack up as a general telephony card compared
> to the likes of Dialogic, CallURL, SST, etc ?
> Is it considered "good" ?
> Any major plus/minus points ?

>From my experience I would call Digium cards excelent compared to
Dialogic. Of course my experience is also related to the software
running with the card. We have an app on windows running on dialogic
hardware that fails regularly due to issueing commands to the dialogic
driver too fast. It also requires a full reboot once a week to fix a
memory leak. In comparison, our asterisk solution is more configurable,
I have the source code for when I need to modify somthing, It runs for
months with out any attention from me, and a 16 analog port dialogic
card cost more than 6 times the price of a single T1 card. This means we
can afford a REALLY good computer just in the savings of going with

Steven Critchfield <critch at basesys.com>

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