[Asterisk-Dev] DUNDi(tm) = Gnutella?

Craig Southeren craigs at postincrement.com
Thu Oct 21 05:15:45 MST 2004

On Thu, 21 Oct 2004 11:48:18 +0000
"Andreas Anderson" <galium123 at hotmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Guys,
> can someone tell me why DUNDi does not use the same principals as BGP4, 
> where
> on session start *all* routes are transmitted from one peer to another,  and 
> later only
> transmit the changes? If i understand the whitepaper correctly, any lookup 
> in the
> network will be sent to *any* peer. So this is basically the same as 
> Gnutella.

Ummm...no, it's not even close to being basically the same as Gnutella.
If anything, it's closer to DNS.

DUNDi is not used for exchanging multi-megabyte media files - it's used
for making very small routing requests. 


> Memory to store all routes shouldn't be a problem, one BGP4 full feed takes 
> only 50MB,
> and thats about 130'000 routes...

VoIP number spaces are much bigger than that. Consider storing a
directory of every phone number in the US and you will see the problem.
In any case, I expect that internal nodes in a DUNDi network would
certainly cache portions of the data, based on the time-to-live data.
Again, think DNS.

Also consider that a small hand-held device may have memory measured in
kbytes, and you see why assuming every node can store every entry is not
a design requirement.


 Craig Southeren      craigs at postincrement.com / craigs at voxgratia.org

 Phone:  +61 243654666      ICQ: #86852844
 Fax:    +61 243673140      MSN: craig_southeren at hotmail.com
 Mobile: +61 417231046   Jabber: craigs at jabber.voxgratia.org

 Post Increment - Consulting & Services    http://www.postincrement.com
 Vox Gratia - The Open Source VoIP portal  http://www.voxgratia.org
 Raving Of A Strange Mind - the VoIP blog  http://www.southeren.com/blog

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