[Asterisk-Dev] PATCH - Adds a set'able text string for each channel

C. Maj cmaj-SPAM at freedomcorpse.com
Tue May 18 09:00:49 MST 2004

On Tue, 18 May 2004, Adam Goryachev waxed:

> This is used to store 'bits' of data with a channel within asterisk
> without needing to use a seperate sql db.

Hi Adam--

Perhaps instead of calling it 'mytext', could this be
incorporated with the CDR userfield ?  I don't believe the
latter is currently exposed fully by the manager API.  You
can use "SetCDRUserField" -- but there's no manager command
to access it once set, ie. "GetCDRUserField"

On the plus side, this would make your data persistent in
your CDR logs for later inspection.  On the other hand, it
would make your field subject to man-handling by commands
which alter the CDR data, post it early, etc.


Chris Maj, Rochester
Pronunciation Guide: Maj == May

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