[Asterisk-Dev] Getting URL to IAX Client Agent

Jean-Denis Girard jd-girard at esoft.pf
Fri Jun 25 10:56:11 MST 2004

Navnit Chachan wrote:
> I am using IAX Phone from skol associates

I may be wrong, but as far as I know:

The only IAX client that supports URL is gnophone, which is basically 
dead since it's only IAX1... There is no support for URL in the 
libiaxclient on which IAXPhone is based.

I'm currently working on yet another iax2 client with support for URL, 
but it's too early in the development to show anything.

Jean-Denis Girard

Essential Software - Ingénierie Informatique
Solutions Linux & Open Source en Polynésie française
Tél: (689) 54 12 95

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