[Asterisk-Dev] Re: STUN support

David Beckemeyer david at bdt.com
Tue Jun 8 17:45:51 MST 2004

Also the localnet/externip settings don't help for port rotating
NATs (I have a hard time getting NAT terminology right, even though
I know exactly what I mean :-)

Basically port-based NATs like most Linksys models (e.g. BEFSR41
specifically) will work with the localnet/externip but localnet/
externip does not solve Cone routers that do port translation/
mapping like many D-link models (e.g. DI-604 specifically). 
Asterisk simply cannot register or communciate with other SIP
nodes directly when behind such a device (i.e. without the help of 
an outside ALG or some such).

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