[Asterisk-Dev] minumum linux hardware-less than 100 mb

Andrew Kohlsmith akohlsmith-asterisk at benshaw.com
Wed Aug 4 07:35:16 MST 2004

On Wednesday 04 August 2004 00:47, John Todd wrote:
> So, the question is, who has compiled Asterisk for the WRT54G's?  I
> know it can be done; a stripped and trimmed down binary should fit.
> The real trick would be to figure out how to get a pseudo-Zap channel
> hacked into one, so that trunking could be used, in a SIP-to-IAX2
> condenser manner.  I've had this idea for a long time, and I'm sure
> others have experimented with this, but someone should fess up and
> post their experiences publicly, along with some files.  I think that
> the WRT54G would be a great mini-PBX, even if it can't store CDRs
> (well, at least not without burning the flash out.)

Well I wasn't suggesting running Asterisk on a WRT54G, only using the build 
environment to make a small x86 distro.  In theory it should work though so 
long as it either has the right kind of USB (unlikely) or an RTC, or if 
someone wrote a timer driver for one of the processor's embedded timers..


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