[Asterisk-Dev] Client development...

Chris Palmer t3sture at boldar.com
Sat Sep 27 02:13:51 MST 2003

Ok, i'm new to this mailing list so i know my opinion  prolly won't be 
valued ( don't attack me for spelling. It's late and i'm replying 
casually). It seems that if you're as serious as you say you are, you 
would examine the source close enough to understand anything  you need to 
know about the protocol. All you need do is do a cvs update of asterisk 
and possibly zaptel to understand everything. I mean... the bit packing of 
the protocol is right there in front of you. Now, before you attack me for 
not knowing what i'm talking about, i just woke up mark (who is one room 
over from me asleep right now) to make sure that this was true before 
posting. I understand that maybe you didn't research it enough before you 
posted it, or maybe you're not as good a coder as you say you are, and 
it's also possible that these guys aren't really being completely fair. 
I've seen some down-right mean replys to this thread. Anyway, it's in the 
source. If you have a problem understanding it, that's not something i 
would scoff on and i doubt the rest of the people here would either. Just 
ask. I'll readily admit that i won't be able to help you, but i bet these 
other guys can. Why not just re-phrase your question and move on?

-t3sture (chris)

On Fri, 26 Sep 2003, Boudewijn van Ingen wrote:

> Hello listmembers,
> I hope I have found the proper forum to ask my questions. If not, you have 
> my apologies, and I hope someone can point me to a more suitable source.
> I'm currently trying to write a completely new client application for 
> Asterisk, similar to GnoPhone, but for Windows and with some extra 
> functionality. Or more accurately, I'm trying to build a library that can 
> be used by others to build such applications for the Windows platform. The 
> short term goal however is a demo-application to promote the usage of 
> Asterisk (on linux) in large scale telecomms networks. It is really 
> unfortunate that most managers that might decide on the money still use 
> Windows on their desktops, but it is a fact. ;-)
> I'm an experienced developer and have looked at the existing ports of the 
> original code. But for several reasons, I have decided that it would be 
> best for my needs to make a completely different design of the 
> iax-libraries, this time in c++, and hopefully remaining somewhat portable.
> Unfortunately, during my research I found out that there is apparently a 
> distinct lack of public documentation about the iax-protocol, and the 
> theories that lie behind it. But I may have missed something there...
> Now, I understand that this protocol is a proprietary development (by Mark 
> Spencer/Digium), but I was wondering if that was also the reason why I 
> could not find any formal specification of the protocol? Am I for some 
> reason not supposed to develop new software that makes use of this protocol?
> I must admit that ploughing through the sources for diffent clients and 
> Asterisk itself to find out the nitty-gritty details of the protocol seems 
> more and more a rather daunting task to me. Although I have come a long way 
> already doing just that. But from what I can see now, there are small 
> differences in implementation between several clients that puzzle me 
> sometimes...
> I would be greatly helped by any information from more knowledgeable people 
> (like I assume you all on this list are) about all the iax-protocol's 
> messages, the information that they are supposed to convey and any other 
> aspect of their use. So I was wondering if there really was no 
> documentation at all about that???
> In return for any help, as a matter of course, when I'm a bit more 
> confident about my work, my code too will become available under some form 
> of GPL.
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