[Asterisk-Dev] Core dump with latest CVS on RedHat-7.2

Darren Nickerson darren.nickerson at ifax.com
Thu Dec 18 19:31:10 MST 2003


Thanks for the reply - as far as I know everything was compiled on this box.

I noticed that RedHat-7.2 itself includes gsm and gsm-devel RPMs in its
distro, and that those seem to have disappeared in 7.3 and later - is it
possible they were conflicting with the gsm codec stuff in the main asterix
source? After an 'rpm -e gsm gsm-devel' and a recompile the problem
disappeared and I can load the GSM codec, but I think I did a few things
like a fresh CVS checkout in between so the rpm deletions might not have
actually fixed the problem at all.

Thanks again for your feedback!


Darren Nickerson
Senior Sales & Support Engineer
iFax Solutions, Inc. www.ifax.com
darren.nickerson at ifax.com
+1.215.438.4638 office
+ fax

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Wilson" <chris at netservers.co.uk>
To: <asterisk-dev at lists.digium.com>
Sent: Thursday, December 18, 2003 5:28 AM
Subject: Re: [Asterisk-Dev] Core dump with latest CVS on RedHat-7.2

> Hi Darren,
> > Incidentally, adding:
> >
> > noload => codec_gsm.so
> >
> > to modules.conf seems to work around the problem.
> Could it be that the GSM codec was compiled with optimisations for a
> different processor, like SSE2 when you have an Athlon?
> Cheers, Chris.
> -- 
> _  __ __     _
>  / __/ / ,__(_)_  | Chris Wilson -- UNIX Firewall Lead Developer |
> / (_  ,\/ _/ /_ \ | NetServers.co.uk http://www.netservers.co.uk |
> \__/_/_/_//_/___/ | 21 Signet Court, Cambridge, UK. 01223 576516 |
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