[Asterisk-code-review] testsuite: Python 3 compatibility inital commit (testsuite[development/16/python3])
Kevin Harwell
asteriskteam at digium.com
Mon Apr 25 18:30:53 CDT 2022
Attention is currently required from: Michael Bradeen.
Kevin Harwell has posted comments on this change. ( https://gerrit.asterisk.org/c/testsuite/+/18199 )
Change subject: testsuite: Python 3 compatibility inital commit
Patch Set 7: Code-Review-1
I think this one patch needs to be broken into several patches based on the relevant changes done:
1) A use SIPp 3pcc instead of pjsua patch
2) A patch for pjsua->pjsua2 changes
3) A python2.7/python3 compatibility patch
4) A debug/info extra logging patch
File contrib/scripts/install_prereq:
PS7, Line 18: PACKAGES_DEBIAN="$PACKAGES_DEBIAN python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-dev cython"
: # Testsuite: basic requirements:
: PACKAGES_DEBIAN="$PACKAGES_DEBIAN python3-yaml python3-twisted-core python3-lxml liblua5.1-0-dev lua5.1 gdb"
: # Sipp requirements
: PACKAGES_DEBIAN="$PACKAGES_DEBIAN libpcap-dev libssl-dev libsctp-dev"
: # pjsua requirements
: # Basic build system:
: PACKAGES_RH="subversion git gcc gcc-c++ patch"
: # Python tools
: PACKAGES_RH="$PACKAGES_RH python3 python3-pip python3-setuptools python3-devel Cython"
: # Testsuite: basic requirements:
: PACKAGES_RH="$PACKAGES_RH PyYAML python3-twisted-core python3-lxml lua-devel gdb"
: # Sipp requirements
: PACKAGES_RH="$PACKAGES_RH libpcap-devel openssl-devel lksctp-tools-devel"
: # pjsua requirements
: #PACKAGES_RH="$PACKAGES_RH python3-devel"
I wonder if we should have it check if python is already installed. If so install other libs based on the version, otherwise install python3 like you have here. Thoughts?
File lib/python/asterisk/astdicts.py:
PS7, Line 274: # print("__setitem__ key = ", key, " val = ", val)
Since this began as commented code I'd just remove it vs updating it.
PS7, Line 278: # print("inserting key = ", key, " val = ", val)
Same here. This line can be removed altogether.
File lib/python/asterisk/pcap.py:
PS7, Line 709: LOGGER.debug("Packet interpreted")
What's the reason for this debug statement? Seems like this has the potential to spam the debug log. I'd suggest removing it.
PS7, Line 712: #interpreted_packet = self._packet_factories.SIPPacketFactory.interpret_packet(packet)
Remove this line
PS7, Line 753: LOGGER.debug("Interpreted packet is empty")
Same for this one? How needed is it?
File lib/python/asterisk/phones.py:
PS7, Line 13: import pjsua2 as pj
This changes the dependency. The install_prereq script should also be updated.
PS7, Line 13: import pjsua2 as pj
: from asterisk import pjsua_mod
I feel like most, if not all the changes in this file are in response to the upgrade to pjsua2. Is upgrading to pjsua2 a requirement for, or related to python3? If not I'd think these changes should be separated out and done in another commit.
PS7, Line 55: LOGGER.info("Phone Account success")
I think this would be more helpful if it was to within below the "if (self.num_accts_created != self.num_accts)" block and the number of accounts created was added.
Also would it make more sense for it to be a debug message?
PS7, Line 65: LOGGER.info("Creating Phones")
should this be a debug vs info?
PS7, Line 394: LOGGER.info("phone attempting to make call")
seems more like a debug message?
File lib/python/asterisk/pjsua_mod.py:
PS7, Line 18: import pjsua2 as pj
Same question as before. Are the changes here due to moving to python3 or pjsua2? If the latter then separate the changes into another pjsua2 only patch.
PS7, Line 143: time.sleep(1)
In a twisted environment the use of a "sleep" is usually undesired. This will pause/halt all twisted processing, which could cause other test timing issues.
If there is a better way to achieve what you want here?
PS7, Line 184: LOGGER.info("ami connect finished!")
Is there a way to also print which AMI connection finished? Could be multiple.
PS7, Line 260: LOGGER.info("worker thread started..")
Seems more of a debug message to me.
PS7, Line 267: LOGGER.info('worker thread exited..')
Seems more of a debug message to me.
PS7, Line 270: LOGGER.info("Starting worker thread")
Seems more of a debug message to me.
PS7, Line 345: LOGGER.info("Account success")
Which account?
File lib/python/asterisk/pluggable_modules.py:
PS7, Line 53: 'nowait': 'False',
I think we can leave the string values alone and just change the field param below. That way configurations don't need to change at all for this.
PS7, Line 127: nowait=self.config['nowait'])
Leave the string 'async' here.
PS7, Line 135: nowait=self.config['nowait'])
Leave the string 'async' here.
File lib/python/asterisk/realtime_test_module.py:
PS7, Line 12: import html
I don't think this module is backwards compat with 2.7?
PS7, Line 14: from wsgiref.util import request_uri
This appears unused, so can be removed.
PS7, Line 284: string = '&'.join(['{0}={1}'.format(html.escape(key), html.escape(val))
The html.escape function appears to have been added in version 3.2, so I don't think is backwards compat.
File lib/python/asterisk/test_case.py:
PS7, Line 863: if 'nowait' not in call_details:
: call_details['nowait'] = False
Leave these as 'async'
PS7, Line 876: nowait=call_details['nowait'],
Leave the string value as 'async'
PS7, Line 890: nowait=call_details['nowait'],
Same here. Leave string as 'async'
File lib/python/asterisk/test_runner.py:
PS7, Line 18: from importlib.machinery import SourceFileLoader
This is causing the CI to fail.
This wasn't introduced until 3.1, and so is no in 2.7. Probably need to wrap in a try/except similar to how the yaml import below is handled, or by some other version distinguishing mechanism.
File lib/python/protocols/ipstack.py:
PS7, Line 9: #from construct import Struct, HexDump, Switch, Pass, Computed, Hex, Bytes, setGlobalPrintFullStrings
: #from construct import Struct, HexDump, Switch, Pass, Computed, Hex, Bytes, setglobalfullprinting
Remove commented code
PS7, Line 18: #setglobalfullprinting(True)
: #setGlobalPrintFullStrings(True)
Remove commented code.
Why is setglobalfullprinting being removed?
File lib/python/protocols/layer4/tcp.py:
PS7, Line 9: setGlobalPrintFullStrings(True)
Why is this being removed?
File tests/channels/SIP/sip_blind_transfer/callee_with_reinvite/run-test:
PS7, Line 10: from builtins import bytes
builtins 2.7 compat? I think it'll require an install of "futures".
File tests/channels/SIP/sip_blind_transfer/caller_refer_only/run-test:
PS7, Line 10: from builtins import bytes
I don't think this is in 2.7
File tests/channels/SIP/sip_blind_transfer/caller_with_reinvite/run-test:
PS7, Line 10: from builtins import bytes
Here too
File tests/channels/pjsip/rtp/bind_rtp_to_media_address/rtp.py:
PS7, Line 21: def datagramReceived(self, data, addr):
Hrm, this appears to be a twisted library version difference. I don't believe this will be backwards compatible with whatever twisted python2.7 version is available?
You might be able to "monkey patch" this somehow based on twisted method(s) available.
File tests/channels/pjsip/rtp/rtp_keepalive/base/rtp.py:
PS7, Line 28: def datagramReceived(self, data, addr):
Same problem here. This is a twisted version incompatibility issue. You'll need to figure out a way to make such things backwards compat.
File tests/channels/pjsip/rtp/rtp_keepalive/direct_media/rtp.py:
PS7, Line 19: def datagramReceived(self, data, addr):
This needs to be backwards compat
File tests/channels/pjsip/subscriptions/rls/rls_test.py:
PS7, Line 33: LOGGER.debug("request line")
: LOGGER.debug(packet.request_line)
The addition of debug/info logging should be in a separate patch.
File tests/channels/pjsip/transfers/attended_transfer/nominal/callee_local_app/test-config.yaml:
PS7, Line 178: #- python : pjsua2
Why commented out?
File tests/codecs/audio_analyzer.py:
PS7, Line 188: 'nowait': 'True'
This can be left as 'async' if other references change
File tests/hep/hep_capture_node.py:
PS7, Line 85: self.src_addr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, bytes(src_addr.ipv4_addr,"utf-8"))
: self.dst_addr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET, bytes(dst_addr.ipv4_addr,"utf-8"))
: elif self.ip_family == IP_FAMILY.v6:
: self.src_addr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, bytes(src_addr.ipv6_addr,"utf-8"))
: self.dst_addr = socket.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, bytes(dst_addr.ipv6_addr,"utf-8"))
"bytes" is not backwards compat
PS7, Line 147: def datagramReceived(self, data, addr):
Twisted compat issue here too
File tests/rest_api/applications/stasisstatus/test_case.py:
PS7, Line 10: from builtins import StopIteration, super
What are these imports for?
File tests/rest_api/channels/redirect/nominal/run-test:
PS7, Line 12: from builtins import range, super
Is this line needed? If so is "super" strictly required?
File tests/rest_api/chunked-transfer/run-test:
PS7, Line 10: from asyncio.log import logger
: from builtins import bytes, len, list, str
I'm not sure all of this is 2.7 backwards compat. For sure the asyncio stuff.
PS7, Line 33: bytes
I don't think this function call is backwards compat
PS7, Line 34: # return url
PS7, Line 67: # data=bytes(chunkizer(b"{ b'variable': b'foo', b'value': b'bar'' }"),"utf-8"),
: # data={b'variable': b'foo', b'value': b'bar'},
Remove unused code
PS7, Line 70: auth = (USERNAME, PASSWORD))
Is this a python3 compat change? If so is it backward compat with the library?
File tests/rest_api/request-bodies/run-test:
PS7, Line 28: params = urllib.parse.urlencode({'api_key': 'testsuite:testsuite'})
I don't think this too is 2.7 compat
File tests/rtp/strict_rtp/strict_rtp_seqno/strict_rtp.py:
PS7, Line 35: def datagramReceived(self, data, addr):
Another twisted compat issue here
File tests/rtp/strict_rtp/strict_rtp_yes/strict_rtp.py:
PS7, Line 37: def datagramReceived(self, data, addr):
Twisted compat issue
To view, visit https://gerrit.asterisk.org/c/testsuite/+/18199
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Gerrit-Project: testsuite
Gerrit-Branch: development/16/python3
Gerrit-Change-Id: Ic7a1d72b174df59107370fcb03fae9dc4cdfc9d3
Gerrit-Change-Number: 18199
Gerrit-PatchSet: 7
Gerrit-Owner: Michael Bradeen <mbradeen at sangoma.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Friendly Automation
Gerrit-Reviewer: Kevin Harwell <kharwell at digium.com>
Gerrit-Attention: Michael Bradeen <mbradeen at sangoma.com>
Gerrit-Comment-Date: Mon, 25 Apr 2022 23:30:53 +0000
Gerrit-HasComments: Yes
Gerrit-Has-Labels: Yes
Gerrit-MessageType: comment
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