[Asterisk-code-review] core: Add PARSE TIMELEN support to ast parse arg and ACO. (asterisk[master])

Corey Farrell asteriskteam at digium.com
Thu Jul 13 10:46:10 CDT 2017

Hello Jenkins2, George Joseph, Joshua Colp, 

I'd like you to reexamine a change. Please visit


to look at the new patch set (#4).

Change subject: core: Add PARSE_TIMELEN support to ast_parse_arg and ACO.

core: Add PARSE_TIMELEN support to ast_parse_arg and ACO.

This adds support for parsing timelen values from config files.  This
includes support for all flags which apply to PARSE_INT32.  Support for
this parser is added to ACO via the OPT_TIMELEN_T option type.

Fixes an issue where extra characters provided to ast_app_parse_timelen
were ignored, they now cause an error.

Testing is included.

ASTERISK-27117 #close

Change-Id: I6b333feca7e3f83b4ef5bf2636fc0fd613742554
M configs/samples/config_test.conf.sample
M include/asterisk/config.h
M include/asterisk/config_options.h
M main/app.c
M main/config.c
M main/config_options.c
M tests/test_config.c
8 files changed, 232 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)

  git pull ssh://gerrit.asterisk.org:29418/asterisk refs/changes/83/5983/4
To view, visit https://gerrit.asterisk.org/5983
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Gerrit-Project: asterisk
Gerrit-Branch: master
Gerrit-MessageType: newpatchset
Gerrit-Change-Id: I6b333feca7e3f83b4ef5bf2636fc0fd613742554
Gerrit-Change-Number: 5983
Gerrit-PatchSet: 4
Gerrit-Owner: Corey Farrell <git at cfware.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Corey Farrell <git at cfware.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: George Joseph <gjoseph at digium.com>
Gerrit-Reviewer: Jenkins2
Gerrit-Reviewer: Joshua Colp <jcolp at digium.com>
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