[asterisk-bugs] [AsteriskNOW 0011571]: Root $PATH doesn't include /sbin
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Thu Oct 30 11:01:14 CDT 2008
The following issue has been RESOLVED.
Reported By: bulgarion
Assigned To: james
Project: AsteriskNOW
Issue ID: 11571
Category: Base OS
Reproducibility: always
Severity: minor
Priority: normal
Status: resolved
Resolution: no change required
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 12-16-2007 03:31 CST
Last Modified: 12-17-2007 12:18 CST
Summary: Root $PATH doesn't include /sbin
As the summary says, the env variable PATH doesn't include "/sbin"
directory, to invoke any "modprobe" or "lspci" command you have to put in
the full path. Most important, some scripts like genzaptelconf, don't use
full paths and fail when they try to invoke rmmod and insmod.
I tried on 3 different installation of AsteriskNOW and still it's there.
qwell - 12-17-07 12:18
When using `su` to become root, you MUST use a - at the end, like `su -`.
You will not get a correct path otherwise.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
12-17-07 12:18 qwell Status assigned => resolved
12-17-07 12:18 qwell Resolution open => no change
12-17-07 12:18 qwell Note Added: 0075584
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