[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0005356]: Getting the clocking right for E1 and T1 lines
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Sat Jun 7 11:05:13 CDT 2008
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: steveu
Assigned To: kpfleming
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 5356
Category: Core/General
Reproducibility: always
Severity: feature
Priority: normal
Status: closed
Asterisk Version: I did not set the version :(
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): N/A
SVN Revision (number only!):
Disclaimer on File?: Yes
Request Review:
Resolution: fixed
Fixed in Version:
Date Submitted: 10-02-2005 03:42 CDT
Last Modified: 06-07-2008 11:05 CDT
Summary: Getting the clocking right for E1 and T1 lines
If the wording about setting clock sources in zaptel.conf.sample is changed
to that below I think I will have a lot less support issues with spandsp.
:-) This was discussed some time ago on the mailing list, but it looks like
CVS was never changed. I think the *majority* of users currently have their
clock sources set incorrectly, and the current wording makes the adamant
they are right.
# span=<span num>,<timing source>,<line build out
# # All T1/E1 spans generate a clock signal on their transmit side. The
# <timing source> parameter determines whether the clock signal from
the far
# end of the T1/E1 is used as the master source of clock timing. If it is,
# own clock will synchronise to it. T1/E1's connected directly or
indirectly to
# a PSTN provider (telco) should generally be the first choice to sync to.
# PSTN will never be a slave to you. You must be a slave to it.
# Chose 1 to make the equipment at the far end of the E1/T1 link the
# source of the master clock. Chose 2 to make it the second choice for the
# clock, if the first choice port fails (the far end dies, a cable breaks,
# whatever). Chose 3 to make a port the third choice, and so on. If you
have, say,
# 2 ports connected to the PSTN, mark those as 1 and 2. The number used
for each
# port should be different.
# If you choose 0, the port will never be used as a source of timing. This
# appropriate when you know the far end should awlways be a slave to you.
If the
# port is connected to a channel bank, for example, you should always be
# master. Any number of ports can be marked as 0.
# # Incorrect timing sync may cause clicks/noise in the audio, poor
quality or failed
# faxes, unreliable modem operation, and is a general all round bad
svnbot - 06-07-08 11:05
Repository: dahdi
Revision: 790
U trunk/zaptel.conf.sample
r790 | kpfleming | 2008-06-07 11:05:08 -0500 (Sat, 07 Jun 2008) | 2 lines
make timing source configuration easier to understand (issue
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
06-07-08 11:05 svnbot Checkin
06-07-08 11:05 svnbot Note Added: 0088072
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