[asterisk-bugs] [Asterisk 0010626]: On incomming mobile-calls the asterisk crash
noreply at bugs.digium.com
noreply at bugs.digium.com
Sun Sep 2 05:40:50 CDT 2007
A NOTE has been added to this issue.
Reported By: heikothole
Assigned To: dbowerman
Project: Asterisk
Issue ID: 10626
Category: Addons/chan_mobile
Reproducibility: always
Severity: crash
Priority: normal
Status: assigned
Asterisk Version: SVN
SVN Branch (only for SVN checkouts, not tarball releases): 1.4
SVN Revision (number only!): 81417
Disclaimer on File?: N/A
Request Review:
Date Submitted: 09-01-2007 17:37 CDT
Last Modified: 09-02-2007 05:40 CDT
Summary: On incomming mobile-calls the asterisk crash
I´ve installed asterisk and astrisk-addons from svn.
I use chan_mobile for connecting my mobile-phone with asterisk.
When I call my mobile-phone, asterisk will call my sip-phones. When I
accept the call from a sip-phone, the asterisk will crash.
heikothole - 09-02-07 05:40
I don´t know if it helps, but when I stop my asterisk with "stop
gracefully" it will crash, too.
Here is the output:
*CLI> stop gracefully
Waiting for inactivity to perform halt...
P[ 1] Destroying this port.
== Unregistered application 'VoiceMail'
== Unregistered application 'VoiceMailMain'
== Unregistered application 'MailboxExists'
== Unregistered application 'VMAuthenticate'
== Unregistered custom function MAILBOX_EXISTS
== Manager unregistered action VoicemailUsersList
== Unregistered application 'SoftHangup'
== Unregistered translator 'lintospeex' from format slin to speex
== Unregistered translator 'speextolin' from format speex to slin
== Unregistered custom function CURL
== Unregistered custom function CUT
== Unregistered custom function SORT
== Unregistered translator 'lintogsm' from format slin to gsm
== Unregistered translator 'gsmtolin' from format gsm to slin
== Unregistered application 'Echo'
== Unregistered format iLBC
== Unregistered custom function ODBC_PRESENCE
== Unregistered custom function ODBC_ANTIGF
== Unregistered custom function ODBC_SQL
== Unregistered custom function SQL_ESC
== Unregistered custom function ODBC_FETCH
== Unregistered application 'ODBCFinish'
== Unregistered application 'ZapBarge'
== Unregistered application 'MP3Player'
== Unregistered format wav
== Unregistered custom function ISNULL
== Unregistered custom function SET
== Unregistered custom function EXISTS
== Unregistered custom function IF
== Unregistered custom function IFTIME
== Unregistered custom function IMPORT
== Unregistered application 'PrivacyManager'
== Unregistered application 'ADSIProg'
== Unregistered custom function VOLUME
== Unregistered 'cdr-custom' CDR backend
== Unregistered application 'Record'
== Unregistered format g723sf
== Unregistered application 'WaitForSilence'
== Unregistered application 'Directory'
== Unregistered custom function ENV
== Unregistered custom function STAT
== Unregistered custom function GROUP_COUNT
== Unregistered custom function GROUP_MATCH_COUNT
== Unregistered custom function GROUP_LIST
== Unregistered custom function GROUP
== Unregistered custom function TIMEOUT
== Unregistered application 'Festival'
== Unregistered application 'SendDTMF'
== Manager unregistered action PlayDTMF
== Unregistered application 'ReadFile'
== Unregistered application 'MinivmRecord'
== Unregistered application 'MinivmGreet'
== Unregistered application 'MinivmNotify'
== Unregistered application 'MinivmDelete'
== Unregistered application 'MinivmAccMess'
== Unregistered custom function MINIVMACCOUNT
== Unregistered custom function MINIVMCOUNTER
== Unregistered application 'Read'
== Unregistered application 'ChanIsAvail'
== Manager unregistered action ZapDialOffhook
== Manager unregistered action ZapHangup
== Manager unregistered action ZapTransfer
== Manager unregistered action ZapDNDoff
== Manager unregistered action ZapDNDon
== Manager unregistered action ZapShowChannels
== Manager unregistered action ZapRestart
== Unregistered channel type 'Zap'
-- Unregistered channel -2
== Unregistered custom function DEVSTATE
== Unregistered format g729
== Unregistered format g726-40
== Unregistered format g726-32
== Unregistered format g726-24
== Unregistered format g726-16
== Unregistered channel type 'MGCP'
== Unregistered custom function VERSION
== Unregistered custom function VMCOUNT
== Unregistered application 'System'
== Unregistered application 'TrySystem'
== Unregistered channel type 'Local'
== Unregistered custom function REALTIME
== Unregistered custom function FIELDQTY
== Unregistered custom function FILTER
== Unregistered custom function REGEX
== Unregistered custom function ARRAY
== Unregistered custom function QUOTE
== Unregistered custom function LEN
== Unregistered custom function STRFTIME
== Unregistered custom function STRPTIME
== Unregistered custom function EVAL
== Unregistered custom function KEYPADHASH
== Unregistered custom function SPRINTF
== Unregistered custom function HASHKEYS
== Unregistered custom function HASH
== Unregistered application 'ClearHash'
== Unregistered custom function LOCK
== Unregistered custom function TRYLOCK
== Unregistered custom function UNLOCK
== Unregistered application 'Return'
== Unregistered application 'StackPop'
== Unregistered application 'GosubIf'
== Unregistered application 'Gosub'
== Unregistered custom function LOCAL
== Unregistered channel type 'Skinny'
== Unregistered custom function URIDECODE
== Unregistered custom function URIENCODE
== Unregistered application 'UserEvent'
== Unregistered application 'ForkCDR'
== Unregistered format h264
== Unregistered application 'Verbose'
== Unregistered application 'Log'
== Unregistered channel type 'Agent'
== Unregistered custom function AGENT
== Unregistered application 'AgentLogin'
== Unregistered application 'AgentMonitorOutgoing'
== Manager unregistered action Agents
== Manager unregistered action AgentLogoff
== Unregistered format h263
== Unregistered application 'DBdeltree'
== Unregistered application 'DBdel'
== Unregistered application 'Milliwatt'
== Unregistered application 'ZapScan'
== Unregistered custom function DB
== Unregistered custom function DB_EXISTS
== Unregistered custom function DB_DELETE
== Unregistered format ogg_vorbis
== Unregistered application 'SendImage'
== Unregistered translator 'g726tolin' from format g726 to slin
== Unregistered translator 'lintog726' from format slin to g726
== Unregistered translator 'g726aal2tolin' from format g726aal2 to slin
== Unregistered translator 'lintog726aal2' from format slin to g726aal2
== Unregistered translator 'g726aal2tog726' from format g726aal2 to
== Unregistered translator 'g726tog726aal2' from format g726 to
== Unregistered format gsm
== Unregistered format wav49
== Unregistered custom function MATH
== Unregistered application 'WaitForRing'
== Unregistered application 'DumpChan'
== Unregistered channel type 'Gtalk'
== Unregistered application 'While'
== Unregistered application 'EndWhile'
== Unregistered application 'ExitWhile'
== Unregistered application 'ContinueWhile'
== Unregistered application 'SpeechCreate'
== Unregistered application 'SpeechLoadGrammar'
== Unregistered application 'SpeechUnloadGrammar'
== Unregistered application 'SpeechActivateGrammar'
== Unregistered application 'SpeechDeactivateGrammar'
== Unregistered application 'SpeechStart'
== Unregistered application 'SpeechBackground'
== Unregistered application 'SpeechDestroy'
== Unregistered application 'SpeechProcessingSound'
== Unregistered custom function SPEECH
== Unregistered custom function SPEECH_SCORE
== Unregistered custom function SPEECH_TEXT
== Unregistered custom function SPEECH_GRAMMAR
== Unregistered custom function SPEECH_ENGINE
== Unregistered custom function SPEECH_RESULTS_TYPE
== Unregistered application 'SayUnixTime'
== Unregistered application 'DateTime'
== Unregistered custom function RAND
== Unregistered 'csv' CDR backend
== Unregistered application 'ChannelRedirect'
== Unregistered custom function DUNDILOOKUP
== Unregistered custom function DUNDIQUERY
== Unregistered custom function DUNDIRESULT
== Unregistered custom function CHANNEL
== Unregistered application 'DISA'
== Unregistered application 'ZapRAS'
== Unregistered custom function CDR
== Unregistered application 'Exec'
== Unregistered application 'TryExec'
== Unregistered application 'ExecIf'
== Unregistered custom function ICONV
== Unregistered application 'Flash'
== Unregistered translator 'ulawtoalaw' from format ulaw to alaw
== Unregistered translator 'alawtoulaw' from format alaw to ulaw
== Unregistered application 'ControlPlayback'
== Unregistered custom function BLACKLIST
== Unregistered format 'jpg' (JPEG (Joint Picture Experts Group))
== Unregistered custom function CALLERPRES
== Unregistered custom function CALLERID
== Unregistered translator 'lintoalaw' from format slin to alaw
== Unregistered translator 'alawtolin' from format alaw to slin
== Unregistered application 'ReadExten'
== Unregistered custom function VALID_EXTEN
== Unregistered application 'SendURL'
== Manager unregistered action QueueStatus
== Manager unregistered action Queues
== Manager unregistered action QueueSummary
== Manager unregistered action QueueAdd
== Manager unregistered action QueueRemove
== Manager unregistered action QueuePause
== Manager unregistered action QueueLog
== Unregistered application 'AddQueueMember'
== Unregistered application 'RemoveQueueMember'
== Unregistered application 'PauseQueueMember'
== Unregistered application 'UnpauseQueueMember'
== Unregistered application 'QueueLog'
== Unregistered application 'Queue'
== Unregistered custom function QUEUE_VARIABLES
== Unregistered custom function QUEUE_MEMBER_COUNT
== Unregistered custom function QUEUE_MEMBER_LIST
== Unregistered custom function QUEUE_WAITING_COUNT
== Unregistered application 'BackgroundDetect'
== Unregistered application 'ChanSpy'
== Unregistered application 'ExtenSpy'
== Unregistered custom function IFMODULE
== Manager unregistered action MeetmeMute
== Manager unregistered action MeetmeUnmute
== Unregistered application 'MeetMeChannelAdmin'
== Unregistered application 'MeetMeAdmin'
== Unregistered application 'MeetMeCount'
== Unregistered application 'MeetMe'
== Unregistered application 'SLAStation'
== Unregistered application 'SLATrunk'
== Unregistered application 'Playback'
== Unregistered custom function MD5
== Unregistered format sln
== Unregistered channel type 'Console'
== Unregistered translator 'lintoilbc' from format slin to ilbc
== Unregistered translator 'ilbctolin' from format ilbc to slin
== Unregistered application 'StopMixMonitor'
== Unregistered application 'MixMonitor'
== Unregistered custom function SHA1
== Unregistered application 'misdn_set_opt'
== Unregistered application 'misdn_facility'
== Unregistered application 'misdn_check_l2l1'
== Unregistered channel type 'mISDN'
P[ 0] Closing mISDN device
mISDN_close: fid(15) isize(131072) inbuf(0xb713a008) irp(0xb713a008)
== Unregistered application 'SMS'
== Unregistered translator 'lintolpc10' from format slin to lpc10
== Unregistered translator 'lpc10tolin' from format lpc10 to slin
== Unregistered custom function IAXPEER
== Unregistered custom function IAXVAR
== Manager unregistered action IAXpeers
== Manager unregistered action IAXnetstats
== Unregistered application 'IAX2Provision'
== Unregistered channel type 'IAX2'
("Speicherzugriffsfehler" means "segmentation fault")
Perhaps it is interesting:
First I used Asterisk 1.4.4. Then I would connect my mobliephone with
asterisk and I checked out Version 1.4.11 (from the tags) and compiled and
installed it. Then I checked out the asterisk-addons from trunk and
compiled it. But I got an error (because of the chang from ast_debug to
ast_log). So I checked out asterisk from trunk (rev 81417). Now I could
compile asterisk and asterisk-addons.
Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
09-02-07 05:40 heikothole Note Added: 0069834
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