No subject

Thu Jul 12 09:23:04 CDT 2007

test server, where I compiled and installed Asterisk 1.4.11, I see that I
have no sip.conf entries, which I would assume should be automatically
created as each user has the SIP check box checked.

 ddougan - 08-25-07 13:39  
Yes, there are entries in users.conf. However, my understanding from
reading various manuals is that there also need to be entries in sip.conf.
The AsteriskNOW GUI does not seem to create these entries, and the User
Guide makes no reference to them - indeed it implies that by creating users
that calls can then be made.

If I misunderstand the process here, I apologize; however, there is a bug
somewhere in the configuration process or documentation if sip.conf is not
populated when it clearly needs to be to make calls.

The concept of AsteriskNOW as an appliance which can be managed solely via
the GUI is a good one; but if it doesn't create all the configuration files
it requires, then I'd say there's work still to be done, hence my bug



Issue History 
Date Modified   Username       Field                    Change               
08-25-07 13:39  ddougan        Status                   closed => feedback  
08-25-07 13:39  ddougan        Resolution               fixed => reopened   
08-25-07 13:39  ddougan        Note Added: 0069420                          

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