[Asterisk-bsd] Digium g729 issues

Gerald A geraldablists at gmail.com
Thu May 24 13:46:09 MST 2007

On 5/23/07, Javier Henderson <javier at kjsl.com> wrote:
> On Wed, 23 May 2007 18:53:41 -0700, Richard Neese wrote:
> > Digium has a hole in thier heads.
> Well, at least they're being upfront about their intentions.

Well, they are committed to making *BSD work on the main asterisk codebase
(that they maintain
as GPL), but not the stuff that we're paying for?

Are there alternatives to Asterisk that aren't so Linux-centric?

Question: Does the register util work under the linuxulator?
Does anyone know what magic the register util does?

I've bought some licences for G729 in the past, and we do intend to migrate
these to FreeBSD. A workaround
would be ok, as long as they will actually address this in the longer term.

Anyone have a clue?

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