[Asterisk-bsd] Capi and rintone

Matthias Fechner idefix at fechner.net
Sun Jun 25 09:52:35 MST 2006

Hello Hans,

* Hans Petter Selasky <hselasky at c2i.net> [25-06-06 16:43]:
> You are dialing out to a TE-mode controller, right? You are not dialing a 
> NT-mode controller.
> If TE-mode, then try adding "/bl" option for "early-B3" and "late signalling", 
> like this:
> exten => s,3,Dial(CAPI/ISDN1/${CALLNUMBER[${CALLERIDNUM}]}:${DIALSTR}/bl)

my phone is connected to a nt-mode card, then the calls goes out via a
second card in te mode (connected to the NTBA).
If i set /b1 on the calling command and i dial and then hangup 
the call will not terminate it contious to ring until I restart

Best regards,


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