[Asterisk-bsd] Can't Receive Calls

Frank Griffith glassdude45 at yahoo.com
Sun Jun 11 10:34:49 MST 2006

I have been tinkering around with Asterisk for the past few weeks. I guess after all that I only know enough to be dangerous with it. 
  I have two phones and can connect to most everything with them. I have called one phone from another, listened to echo tests both locally on the Asterisk server and on the FWDNET system. I asked another FWDNET user to contact me and when he did all that happened was the phone rang once and then sent him into voicemail. Even if I could have picked it up fast enough the call still makes it into voicemail.
  I could call him and we had no problems there. Can anyone tell me what might be wrong. I have posted my config files at:
  If anyone could please take a look and tell me what I seem to have out of order. I've read over the docs until I'm blue and the other FWD caller who seemed pretty up on Asterisk told me that this should be working...but it's not...!

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