[Asterisk-bsd] FreeBSD Port maintainer still maintaining port?

Flatfender flatfender at gmail.com
Wed Jan 5 08:02:15 CST 2005

On Wed, 05 Jan 2005 11:46:29 +0800, Dinesh Nair <dinesh at alphaque.com> wrote:
> On 05/01/2005 09:23 Dr. Rich Murphey said the following:
> > Excellent question.  I can't find any FreeBSD ports that grab a cvs-head
> > rather than a snapshot archive. --  Perhaps because it's necessary to
> > freeze changes for the sake of finishing each release.
> in trying to find a balance between the asterisk development philosophy and
> freebsd's development/release philosophy, i think it'd be better if we only
> released (via the ports mechanism) tested and working freezed snapshots of
> asterisk stable. there could be another port, asterisk-head for eg, which
> pulls down a tarball of cvs-head and is marked as a bleeding edge version.
> the tarballs can be produced on a weekly basis.
> > I think that focusing on FreeBSD support in asterisk-current would
> > enhance the quality of the FreeBSD support, because it increases the
> hear, hear.
> > bug meisters is the key, I believe.  I wonder, what, if anything, they
> > or the various FreeBSD people would envision that isn't being done?
> a bigger issue, imo, is the disjoint between the zaptel drivers on linux
> and the zaptel drivers on freebsd.
> also, i think that we (the asterisk freebsd folk) should take advantage of
> this mailing list for more communicative messages. until this thread, i
> kept a copy of asterisk 1.0.2 and my own set of patches which made it
> build/compile on freebsd 4.10 myself. i didnt know that the ports version
> had been bumped up to 1.0.2 either. at the same time, i've still yet to
> receive a copy of the zaptel drivers for the TE410P/TE405P quad-E1 cards. i
> beleive a little more cooperation here is crucial to making asterisk more
> freebsd-friendly.
> --
> Regards,                           /\_/\   "All dogs go to heaven."
> dinesh at alphaque.com                (0 0)    http://www.alphaque.com/
> +==========================----oOO--(_)--OOo----==========================+
> | for a in past present future; do                                        |
> |   for b in clients employers associates relatives neighbours pets; do   |
> |   echo "The opinions here in no way reflect the opinions of my $a $b."  |
> | done; done                                                              |
> +=========================================================================+
> _______________________________________________

I myself would be interested in better FreeBSD support, and I know 2
or 3 other people as well that are in the same boat.   Right now we
are running 3 systems on Gentoo, because  * on FreeBSD just isn't
production ready yet.



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