[asterisk-biz] WombatDialer 0.9 released today

Lenz Emilitri lenz.loway at gmail.com
Tue May 12 06:18:50 CDT 2015

Hello all,

the new, redesigned WombatDialer 0.9 is out.  Version 0.9 is a major
release for us and we are sure that you will love it.

Support for multiple languages (Spanish, Italian, German and Russian)
has been added and the GUI has been mostly rewritten to make it easier
to use and to maintain the suite.

Over 80 items were added or improved. This is the result of months of
developing, usability testing and tuning of our team of expert

Campaigns have been revamped and Call lists have been improved as
well; it is now possible to add a number to a blacklist for a specific
amount of time.
Given the popularity of preview dialing, we added a number of changes
to make reverse preview campaigns easier and safer to run.
Agent interaction is made easier by allowing the setting of extended
status and attributes on calls that were recently terminated.
WombatDialer has also been made easier to integrate thanks to a rich
set of JSON webservices.

Plus, we did a lot of stress-testing, and WombatDialer is now able to
run thousands of parallel channels.

WombatDialer 0.9 is available now and can be installed automatically
using yum or as a stand-alone Docker container.

Check the details of the new release: http://blog.wombatdialer.com

WombatDialer can be run using the embedded free trial key, or you can
ask us for a free evaluation key.


Loway - home of QueueMetrics - http://queuemetrics.com
Try the WombatDialer auto-dialer @ http://wombatdialer.com

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