[asterisk-biz] DIDs in Uganda and Tanzania

Markus universe at truemetal.org
Mon Apr 15 10:43:07 CDT 2013

Am 15.04.2013 17:30, schrieb Markus:
> Am 15.04.2013 12:36, schrieb Chris Bagnall:
>> If Johan doesn't object, it would be quite helpful if folks could post
>> *on-list* if they have availability for those countries (and also
>> Kenya), as we also have had requests for numbers in that part of the
>> world, and I've yet to find a supplier for them.
> I think I have pretty much the largest coverage around, Kenya included. :)
 > [...]

Reply to my own posting:

I can also provide toll-free DIDs in:

- Albania
- Anguilla
- Antigua & Barbuda
- Armenia
- Azerbaijan
- Bahamas
- Bangladesh
- Barbados
- Belarus
- Bermuda
- Botswana
- British Virgin Islands
- Brunei
- Cambodia
- Dominica
- Ecuador
- Egypt
- Fiji
- Ghana
- Grenada
- Gouadeloupe
- Guyana
- India
- Indonesia
- Jordan
- Kenya
- Kyrgyzstan
- Lebanon
- Madagascar
- Martinique
- Mayotte
- Moldova
- Montserrat
- Nepal
- Oman
- Pakistan
- Paraguay
- Qatar
- Reunion
- Saudi Arabia
- Serbia
- Sri Lanka
- South Korea
- St. Nevis
- St. Kitts
- St. Lucia
- St. Pierre & Miquelon
- St. Vincent & the Grenadines
- Tadjikistan
- Tanzania
- Turks & Caicos Islands
- Uruguay
- US Virgin Islands
- Uzbekistan


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