[asterisk-biz] Rates Importer Tool

Matt Riddell lists at venturevoip.com
Mon May 9 19:47:34 CDT 2011

On 10/05/11 12:41 PM, Alex Balashov wrote:
> At the risk of impetuousness, I think this is a somewhat misguided
> endeavour, simply because the code/templates/scripts you're asking for
> are inextricably found up in the specificity of a given ITSP
> environment, vendor blend, billing engine, etc.

Yeah that's entirely correct in our case - made somewhat worse (for 
others) by the fact that we rely heavily on our in house function 
libraries for doing pretty much everything :-)


Matt Riddell

http://www.venturevoip.com/news.php (Daily Asterisk News)
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